Privacy statement


In this privacy statement we explain which data we request from you in which situation and we explain what we do in order to protect these data. We are happy to tell you about your rights and options to manage your personal data and protect your privacy. We will update this privacy statement as necessary to keep it current. If we make significant changes to this privacy statement, we will inform you by posting a notice on our website and publish an updated version of the privacy statement there. The Foundation processes the personal data you provide to the Foundation as follows:

Which data are processed?

On what basis are your data processed?

We process your data because it is necessary for the execution of the donation agreement.

For what purposes are your data processed?

For administrative purposes with respect to a Donation Agreement or invitations to attend an event. The Foundation shall not sell your personal data to third parties.

How long do we process your data?

The active processing of your data only takes place during the term of the Donation Agreement. After termination of the Donation Agreement, your data will be archived.

Will the personal data be passed on to third parties outside the EEA?

Your data will be processed by the Foundation and by third parties whose services the Foundation uses within the specified purposes for, among other things, office automation, communication and marketing activities. The Foundation only uses services from third parties within the EEA.

Links to other sites

Links to websites of other organizations can be included on the website of the Foundation. The Foundation is not responsible for the way in which these organizations handle your data.

Click behaviour

General visitor data are kept on the website of the Foundation, such as the most consulted pages. The purpose of this is to optimize the website or to put more targeted information on the website. With this, the Foundation can adapt its services to the wishes of its members and interested parties.


We collect cookies ourselves. We do this to optimize your user experience and to analyze web traffic. This is done completely anonymously and the collected information is stored for a maximum of two years. Some information may be shared with advertising networks. By using our website you agree to this.

If you object to the use of cookies, you can block them in your internet browser, after which you can still visit most parts of the website.

Citizen Service Number (BSN)

In order to be eligible for the tax benefits under the Donation Act, it is necessary to complete the Periodic Donation Agreement in full. In connection with the protection of personal data, your Citizen Service Number (BSN) will be made illegible on the copy that the Foundation keeps and is not stored in our records.


Photos are taken during receptions that can be used for communication purposes of the Foundation. If you object to this, you can make this known to our secretary/treasurer.

Are the data secured?

The Foundation takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data. When we commission third parties (processors), the Foundation guarantees that this party guarantees the same level of security as the Foundation considers necessary.

How can I exercise my rights?

You have the right to view, rectify and delete the data that we process about you, if the conditions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are met. You can submit your request to the Foundation.

Last updated: August 10, 2021